Few people have the drive and means to follow their passion. We have been lucky to have done so. This is our story.
The Making Of OwMw
To the readers who have stumbled upon this site, knowingly or unknowingly, we hope our travel stories serve as a tiny dose of inspiration and pique your interest to find out more or actually make you go there!
The primary purpose of One World Many Wonders is to serve as a personal narrative of our collective travel experiences. Something we hope to look back at many years from now, sipping tea in our retirement home, and reminiscing on days that have gone by. Every country has its own charm and traveling is a great learning tool to discover some interesting facts, its forgotten history or quirky ways of life. Penning down our thoughts and clicking pictures helps in creating lasting memories. This is particularly helpful when you have a memory of a goldfish!
When you love traveling, you end up spending most of your time either on a trip or planning the next one. Since we are working professionals and not full-time travelers, we are constrained by a number things - vacation days, budget and visas. Whenever we start planning our next destination, we are always energized to explore and experience new things than to spend most vacation days by a pool! We absolutely love road trips, both for the flexibility and for Dinesh's love for cross-country drives. Hence planning a trip that optimizes what we see in a limited number of days ends up requiring a lot of research, time and energy. We thought that if sharing our research, first-hand experiences and our itineraries help even a few like-minded folks in planning their own trips, then why not!
We’ve designed OwMw around three themes - Travel Stories, Itineraries and Lust List.
Travel Stories
Our travel stories are short blogs on amazing things we experienced in a new city or country. Every trip has its "wow moments" coupled with instances of rare insight and learning. Most stories are better remembered with pictures.
Travel photography has become a hobby and I consider myself an amateur at it. The pictures are not of NatGeo standards and aren't meant to be! As long as it gives you insight into what makes the country unique and whets your appetite to travel, I have achieved my goal.
The itineraries outline a day-by-day breakdown of our trips with slight modifications on what we would do differently, in hindsight. Our shared itineraries are not meant to serve as a complete travel guide for a city or list everything that a country has to offer.
Our itineraries are a reflection of our personalities and preferences representing how we decided to spend our time. Planning a trip can be a daunting exercise and we hope our itineraries, along with the interactive maps, give you a starting point.
Lust List
This is a list of all the places I’ve come across the web, documentaries or magazines that made me go ‘WOW – I must go there!’.
I am easily seduced by anything that has a potential to offer a new experience be it a distinct landscape, a unique hotel or places of historical importance. It’s an ever-growing list but it always comes handy when deciding where we should head next!
Feel free to add comments, your own bucket-list items and any tips that might help us plan our travel.
The Making of "Us"
What seems like eternity, Dinesh and I have known each other for over 15 years now! Our story grew from an unassuming high-school friendship back in Mumbai to somehow making it through 5 years of long-distance as we both left home in pursuit of degrees, life experiences and a sense of self. After 10 years of dating, playing hide-n-seek across different continents and countless skype sessions, we finally took the plunge and got married in April 2014 in our beloved city of New York. Since then we’ve made a conscious effort to incorporate our shared passion for travel into our lives. We have worked out a great system between us to share the overhead of planning frequent trips – I pick a place, he takes care of all the bookings; I research what to see, he takes care of driving us around! I could not have asked for a better life & travel companion :)
Spend mindless hours staring at the world map to pick our next destination
Prepare a convincing business case for Dinesh on why we should visit a place
Shamelessly apply for vacation at work yet again
Prepare a high-level list of things to see/ do and conveniently hand-off to Dinesh to make it all happen
Take a zillion pictures
Pen down short blogs with minimum 50 typos

Earn miles and hotel points
Manage the annoying tasks of finding the best/ cheap flight and hotel bookings
Drive us around
Manage to locate Indian restaurants in most unusual places
Create OwMw site and put up with my annoying input
Proof-read my short blogs and be amazed at finding yet another spelling error
Manage all technical aspects of OwMw

Our Travel Map
Over 30 countries and counting… You can interact with the map below to get a closer look at the places. Use the drawer icon next to the title below to see the list. Work hard, vacation harder is how we roll!